Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A FEW things I want to share while I am reconstructing my blog

Hey everyone!  I hope all of you are doing well.  I am doing great in fact I have been quite busy.  I wanted to share a few things with you (updates) about me. 

1.  As you see from the pictures that the first one posted is a certificate.  Well I completed one of my 2014 goals of being a RRCA Certified Running Coach.  I completed the class in April and passed my test in May.  I received this certificate June 2nd and I was so excited.  A dream come true and now I can really help those beginners who want to get into walking or running and those who want to improve. 

2.  The second picture is from the National Black Marathoners Association.  We are a group of diverse individuals who have completed half and full marathons.   This is a very inspiring group of people with alot of great knowledge.  We were at our national meet and greet in Spokane, WA.  We were getting ready to run the Windermere Marathon and I completed the half.  It was a beautiful course and I took alot of photos.  I was not going for a timed goal, just wanted to enjoy the downhill scenery.

3.  The third photo is my last session at CrossFit!  That is a hard workout there, but I definitely improved the months I was there.  The one thing that I disliked was lifting heavy weights everyday.  It was just not for me and my goal was never to compete.  My time was cut short with CrossFit and decided to go back to where it all started.  The place where I lost majority of my weight and body fat. 

4.  The last photo is my first day back at Boot Camp at the gym where it all started, TransformUFitness!  As you see, I burned up the calories and I was feeling great after.  Now this was so much better than CrossFit because I got a total body work out with plyometrics and cardio plus I burned a high amount of calories.  CrossFit I would only burn right at 300 or less plus I was building so much muscle in my arms, I was starting to get too big at the top AND I could tell a difference in my cardiovascular system.  So, I am back at TUF and will be sure to give you all frequent updates!

**My page should be back to working 100% before the 4th of July.  Thank you for being patient and for following me**

Thursday, June 19, 2014


I am currently re structuring my page.  I also had to take a small break due to some testing, but everything is ok.  Please be patient and stay tuned ;)