Thursday, October 31, 2013

Advocare 24 day Challenge!

Well for those who know me, you know that I love Advocare products.  I have done the 24 day challenge before and done the cleanse twice.  I decided to use the products I have and do the challenge again, but my mom is doing it with me so I am excited to see her results.  Now just because you do the challenge that does not mean you stop eating right at the end.  You continue to eat clean, exercise and if you decide you like the products, then buy some from your local rep. 

I personally love the Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shakes, Pink Lemonade & Fruit Punch Sparks are my favorite, the Catalyst is awesome and I also use some the rehydrate products especially when I am running a long distance such as a half marathon. 

So I am sure you want to know when we are starting, we start the program on the 24 days before Thanksgiving, so that means TUESDAY is the BIG day.  I will do measurements on the first day and then do them again at the end.  I actually have 2 marathons while doing this process, so we will see how I do with it as well.  Now who is excited...............ME!  Watch for my starting and ending!


Monday, October 28, 2013

Race BLING so far this year......

Just thought I would share my bling to date.  Lets see, I have ran 7 half marathons, 2 relays, 3 10k's, 1 15k (no bling), 3 5k's (no bling) AND I completed a challenge this year (10k on a Sat and Half on a Sun- Cowtown Marathon).  This has been a busy year for me, but I so enjoy it.  No only does this bling motivate me, but being able to run is definitely my motivator here.  I am going to keep pushing, 2 more half marathons left this year to complete and god willing, I will finish the year out strong! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Post Race Madness!...following day

Now does this look fun????  ;)
Not too much to say about this picture!  Lets just say that it was painful to stick my foot in a bucket of water and ice!!!!!  I was still hurting from the race yesterday, so an ice bath for the foot was the solution (I guess, lol).  Although I have done this several times, I still have to put my foot in slowly so I can adjust to the coldness.  Let's just say that while I was in the process of doing this, I was sipping on a nice little drink. 
The things we do to keep active, but I am being smart about it and no running this week and possibly next.  I have 2 more halfs to complete this year and I will be doing them, so I have to let this foot rest and get right.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Allstate 13.1....7th half this year!

#7 is done and out the way...................YAY!!!
FIRST let me say that this was a nice and well organized race.  Very nice BLING, pretty nice scenic route and post race was great!  Now, let me get to the part that I didn't like.  I did not like the uneven surfaces that we ran on because what did it irritated my Peroneal Tendon in my left foot and NOW I have to rest! 
So this time around I had my GARMIN and I started intervals from the beginning of the race.  I initially started out with 4:1 which was going great the first 8-9 miles, but then my tendon flared up on me and I know it was due to the uneven surfaces.  As much as I was trying to stay in the middle of the road or on the sidewalk, it didn't work out too well.  So I slowed down and walked about 3 miles and then finished out strong.  No PR and wasn't expecting one.  My best time to beat is 2:40 and this race I ended up at 2:53, ugh....but HEY I finished and that's all that matters. 
The last mile I met a lady named Sonya who was running her first half marathon.  She wasn't with anyone and just decided to accomplish a personal goal.  I finished the race with her.  She was having some pains in her feet, but it was due to wearing new shoes and not breaking them in properly before racing in them.  Well you live and you learn through your experiences! 
After the race, one of the ladies in my run group, Tracy and I took pictures like always, ate some oreos (lol) and then got a really nice post race massage on my left foot/ankle and leg!  Boy did the therapist hit the spot and it hurt like hell, but I needed it.  We then headed on back home and I soaked for an hour, iced my foot, wrapped it, elevated it, ate a big meal and then rested!
So it's rest time for me and I plan to take my meds, no running for a week or 2 (depending on how long it takes for it to completely heal), time for new running shoes (these shoes are DONE) and I will hit the weights!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Allstate 13.1 race is TOMORROW!!!!

Well tomorrow is the day that I accomplish another goal that I have recently set for myself.  My goal was to complete 2 half marathons within a week of each other.  For some reason I am not nervous at all about the race tomorrow which is very odd.  I am feeling really good, ate good, hydrated very well and about to lay it down for the night.  I was not suppose to run this one, but the opportunity presented itself so of course I couldn't pass it up or the BLING.  As you see, I had to edit the race bib to put my name since I am using a friends bib.  I was told this was a fast and flat course, but whenever I hear that it's usually the opposite so I will report back tomorrow with how the race was!

So are you cramping up during your races???? Check this out......

How to Stop Runners' Cramps

How to treat -- and avoid -- cramps that strike while you run or jog.

What Causes Cramps While Running?

The origin of a cramp depends on the type.
  • Side cramp or ''stitch": This cramp strikes you in the side, as the name implies, or even in the lower abdominal area. It's mainly the result of shallow breathing, not breathing deeply from the lower lung, says Jeff Galloway, a 1972 Olympian. He's a veteran runner who has trained more than 200,000 runners and walkers and runs a marathon-training program. ''The side pain is a little alarm" alerting you about your breathing, Galloway says. An imbalance of blood electrolytes (such as calcium, potassium, and sodium) in your body may also contribute, says Pete McCall, an exercise physiologist and spokesman for the American Council on Exercise.
  • Stomach cramps: Again, incorrect breathing can play a role, Galloway says. But so can what you've eaten or had to drink before the workout. "If you have put too much fluid or food in your stomach, you can't get a large breath," Galloway says. If your levels of sodium, potassium, and calcium are off-kilter, it could contribute to stomach cramps, too, McCall says.
  • Muscle cramps: When your leg muscles cramp up on you, dehydration is often to blame, McCall says.

How to Prevent Cramps While Running

To avoid side cramps, Galloway suggests deep lung breathing. His advice: Put your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply. If you're breathing from your lower lungs, your stomach should rise and fall.
Side cramps affect beginners more than long-timers, Galloway notes. "Veteran runners shift [naturally] to lower lung breathing," he says.
To avoid side pain, don't start your run jackrabbit fast. Many side stitches are simply a result of that. "It's always better during the first 10 minutes to be more gentle," Galloway says.
Nervousness can play a role, too. When nerves hit, "you have a tendency to breathe more rapidly, or some do," Galloway says. "When that happens, a lot of people revert to shallow breathing," which can bring on a side cramp.
For stomach cramp prevention, consider what you eat before running, and see if there might be a connection, Galloway says; it's often an issue of digestion. The fix: Avoid eating for a longer period of time before the run.
"If you have a problem [with cramps after] eating 2 hours before, eat 3 hours before," Galloway says.
Also pay attention to what you eat and its effects on your running. You may be choosing a pre-workout food that doesn't agree with you, or at least doesn't agree with your run. "A simple carb by itself [such as a piece of fruit] and water usually is fine," Galloway says.
It's a matter of finding what works for you. For instance, Galloway says many people tell him they have gut problems after eating bananas, but not apples, before a run.
To prevent muscle cramps, McCall also tells runners to get enough fluid before exercising. He advises drinking 16 to 20 ounces 45 minutes before training and 2 to 4 ounces every 15 minutes during a training session, plus eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.

How to Treat Cramps While Running

If you get a side or stomach cramp while running, Galloway recommends slowing down to a walk. "Do the lower lung breathing while walking, maybe [for 2-4] minutes. That can bring it around," he says. For stomach cramps, "often a burp or passing of gas will get rid of the cramp."
When a muscle cramp strikes, McCall tells runners to stop exercising, rest, and hydrate -- preferably with a sports drink that can restore their electrolyte balance.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Race Day! KCMarathon...... #6 of the year!

WELL, I completed the Kansas City Half Marathon, did NOT PR, BUT that is OK.  This was a great race, very well organized overall.  My only suggestion is that they implement the corral system at the start.  When 12k people are trying to get through the start line, it's kind of a hassell BUT we was warm waiting! 
So, I got to the race about 45 minutes early so I could meet the BGR! Kansas City ladies for pictures.  Traffic was so hectic and my mom was dropping me off.   Well I decided to get out and walk to Crown Center since it was so backed up.  Once I got inside the building, I realized quickly that I forgot my GARMIN!!!!!  I was in total panic mode because that is my life there, BUT then I calmed down and told myself "you got this" because I have done 5 prior to this one and I know what to do.  I am just so use to knowing my heart rate during races as well as having the watch keep me on track with my intervals.  SO, I ended up using RunKeeper which was a disaster!!!
So back to meeting the ladies......I finally got into Crown Center and met up with the ladies.  All of them were so nice and made me forget about missing my Garmin.  We headed out to the start line about 10min before the race started and it was such a hassell getting in line with the others because it was so congested and the times were just not as visible as they should have been.  I ended up getting split up from them, but that was ok because I was running at my own pace.
Here comes 7:16am, 11 min after the race started and it was time to rock and roll.  The first mile was a steady incline, nothing that I couldn't do because I trained hills!   Now my plan was to do negative splits, but it was just too difficult looking at my times with runkeeper and putting the phone back on my arm, so throughout the entire race I had to restart runkeeper.  I had no clue what mile I was on or my pace.  I saw my mom around mile 3.5 and then I saw her again around mile 7.5 which at that time, I gave her my jacket because I was hot!  Remember I kept restarting runkeeper so I didn't have an accurate count of my time and at that point it didn't matter...I just wanted to finish.
Around mile 9 I ran into my sisters classmate from college and she had an injury which caused her to fall.  She didn't want me to run with her and I asked several times, so I stayed very close to her to make sure she was ok.  Again, PR was not my focus anymore because not only did this hilly course slow me down, but I didn't have my GARMIN!  So, I hit mile 11 which was downhill for the most past....I tried to make up some time and then I ran into the 2:50 pacers around mile 12.  I kept up with them until the last .50 mile when I lost energy.  Oh, let me back track for a second, around mile 11 I had a cramp in my right calf, but I pushed through and popped my SALTSTICKS which helped.  I stayed hydrated and made sure I had my REHYDRATE & SLAM made by ADVOCARE with me plus I stopped at almost every water stop which was 2 miles apart. 
So finally it was the homestretch, but of course there was  gradual incline and then it flattened out to finish.  I ended up finishing around 2:49 per the pacers, but the time said 2:55 so I will take it and be happy.  The good thing is I finished strong, I had energy after and I got my BLING!!! 
Post-race party was great.  Chick Fil A was handing out free sandwiches which I ate about half of that because for some odd reason after races I am just not that hungry!  Anyways, I stayed around about an hour, took lots of pics with my family and friends & went home to eat, shower & rest!
KC Marathon was a success and I will do this race again! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Packet Pick-Up & The Day BEFORE the for the KC Marathon!!!

 Today was packet pick-up for the KC Marathon!!!  So today my mom and I went to the expo down at Crown Center (mall in KC that is connected to the hotel) to pick up my packet and other goodies.  I was quite impressed with the expo itself, unfortunately, I was unable to get photos of the expo.  I did get a picture as I was walking out because I always have to get one, LOL.
I bought some running glasses, some Advocare products- rehydration for the race and got a few free items as well.  I also saw the bling for this race in person and I was quite impressed.  Was very excited to run this race as it was my hometown and the bling was NICE!!! 
We didn't stay at the expo too long as it was a Thursday night, cold and my parents had to go to work the next day.  I was just happy to get that over so I could relax the next day and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  As you see below, I set all of my things out for the race the night before.  It's better to be prepared early, than try to scramble early the morning of the race and forget something important.  I didn't have a fuel belt because I knew there would be plenty of water stops along the way. 
Items in the picture below:
  • Bondi Band- "Run girl Run"
  • Fog and reflective running/sports sunglasses
  • Arm band for phone
  • Thump Wireless- earphones
  • Gloves
  • Hand warmers
  • GARMIN (that I didn't get to use- see race day comments)
  • Can't forget- MY ROAD ID!!!!
  • Nike Dry-Fit Shirt- long sleeve Pink
  • Nike Fitted Dry-Fit Shirt- long sleeve- went under the pink shirt with thumb holes- Black
  • Nike Dry-Fit Capri- fitted
  • Black Girls Run Compression Socks- Swiftwick
  • Nike Dry-fit sports bra - heavy coverage- black (not pictured)
  • Saucony Type A5 running shoes (have carried me through 4 halfs so far)
  • Race chip to be tied to shoe
  • Black Girls Run shoe bling
  • Shoe pom-pom
  • Lastly and most importantly, MY RACE BIB

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

3 days till Kansas City Marathon

Well I've landed in my hometown tonight safely!  Getting excited to run this half.  I grew up here and never ran a race in my hometown.  This is going to be a special race for me.  All of my family and friends will be there to support me plus I get to run MY CITY.
So the weather is great here, perfect for running.  I am well prepared though.  Packed my gloves and hand warmers.  Ahh I am just excited and a little nervous.  Maybe things will settle the next couple of days.
Oh, I got my bib number today and will head to packet pick up tomorrow!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Taper, taper, taper.....preparing for back to back halfs!

Today I ran a 5 miler, Gainesville Depot Run.  It was a 5k, 5 mile & 10 mile race.  Not my best training run because my darn toe got a cramp after mile 2.  My plan was to run the entire race my doing negative splits, BUT I started out too fast because the race started downhill.

So the first mile was great, right around 10min, but I slowly started to decline during mile 2 and 3 with the cramp in my toe.  Not sure why I cramped up because my shoes are my short distace run shoes and I have at least 80mi on them. I almost said "forget this" and just not finish, BUT I am better than that,  lol.  So, I did intervals till finish.  Per my Garmin I finished right at an hour, but race results said 1 hour 5 min.  I will go with my Garmin!  I didn't go in with any expectations, just wanted to run and collect my bling! I got my bling and I was actually feeling good after.  I ran with my trainer and my BGR sister!

NOW next weekends race is what counts for me.

Next weekend I am running the Kansas city Marathon half for time and praying I PR!  The weekend after I am running the Allstate 13.1 Dallas Marathon and I'm excited to this race because I am going to complete a challenge I actually set for myeelf in 2014 early.  The challenge is to run 2 halfs back to back weekends,  so I am ready to get it done.  After this, I will definitely send off my information for half fanatics.

So, I will be sure to Hydate, Rest up before, Eat right, carb load my way, salt sticks for sure and get a masage after my half.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Walk B4U Run ~Week 2....we are growing!

Week 2 of the Walk Before You Run Program (Black Girls Run)
The ladies are doing great and we are growing in number.  Today we had 5 new ladies join and 1 lady who could not make it on time, but will be out the next Tuesday.  So far we have 11 ladies total and it's not/never too late for someone else to join.  We focused on breathing techniques, walking a nice brisk pace and discussed the plan for the next meet up.  Next meet up we will start jogging, basically doing intervals.  I am excited about this program, it is growing in numbers and the ladies are so positive. 
~Week 3 Goals~
Increase, but control heart rate
Keep a steady, but comfortable pace when doing the intervals
Push towards exceeding 2 miles, increase by .10 - .15 each week if possible
Discuss safety issues and make sure all ladies understand
Suggest Road ID purchase
Discuss expectations of program
Discuss goals
Modify the schedule for the ladies who may need it
Ensure the ladies that I am there for them and continue to encourage them to go to other runs on schedule.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Safety First...Why you should get a Road ID

  Safety is very important especially when you are out there alone!  As you see the right, I purchased a Road ID, but I having it for a long time.  I felt inspired to blog about it because I saw some friends on Facebook posting that they recently purchased one and I just think it's great that they did.  As you see, you can put quite a bit information on it as well as you can switch out colors of your band (you have to purchase them separately).  
The reason why it is so important to have something like this is because if you were to get injured, become unconscious or have a medical issues, whoever finds or helps you will know who to contact, what allergies you may have and your name.  You may not believe it, but this little band can be the one thing that will save your life.  For example, I have a friend who is allergic to morphine.  If she ended up breaking her leg & unconscious and the medical emergency personnel needed to give her pain medication, they would know not to administer morphine because she is allergic to it.  So with that scenario, the Road ID saved her from having another issue. 
I cannot stress enough the importance of purchasing one.  They do not cost very much, you can get them as cheap as 17.99.  The one I have is the wrist ID slim band, but they have many other options that don't cost too much more.  You can also purchase one for your pet! 
Here is the website:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Black Girls Run- Walk B4U Run Program

Today I started the Black Girls Run, Walk B4U Run program today in Denton County!!!  We had 5 ladies show up and 2 more are interested, but could not make the meeting.  The program is 11 weeks long that gets you from walking to running a 5k.  With this program it allows you to take your time and you only do 3 days a week. 
Some of the ladies advised me that they have done a 5k and 10k before and another lady said she had started a half marathon training, but stopped.  They are all excited and I am ready to get them started on this journey.  The program is free and open to all who are interested.  We will meet every Tuesday at our local park to do what is on schedule that day.  I have invited them out to our group runs during the week to help them stay motivated and on track with the program.


I discussed running safely with them as well as proper hydration, proper shoes, proper clothing, wearing no earphones or just 1 earphone while walking/running, getting a Road ID, proper running, stretching and just running smart.
I provided them with a running journal so they can write about their experiences each time they completed a day on schedule or just write about anything that may be on their mind.  Also provided them with 2 pieces of stationary paper and asked them to write down 1 goal that they hope to accomplish by the end of the program (they will keep one and I will keep the other). 
Updates to come!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Importance of staying properly hydrated- MUST READ

Hydrate Right

Hydrate (md)Proper hydration is one of the most important aspects of healthy physical activity. Drinking the right amount of fluids before, during and after every physical activity is vital to providing your body the fluids it needs to perform properly. Sports dietitians assist athletes by developing individualized hydration plans that enhance performance in training and competition while minimizing risks for dehydration, over-hydration, and heat illness and injury.


Hydration Goal

The overall goal is to minimize dehydration without over-drinking. Adequate hydration varies among individuals. Practical ways to monitor hydration are:

Urine color
The color of the first morning’s urine void after awakening is an overall indicator of hydration status. Straw or lemonade colored urine is a sign of appropriate hydration. Dark colored urine, the color of apple juice, indicates dehydration. Dark urine is often produced soon after consuming vitamin supplements.

Sweat loss
Change in body weight before and after exercise is used to estimate sweat loss. Since an athlete’s sweat loss during exercise is an indicator of hydration status, athletes are advised to follow customized fluid replacement plans that consider thirst, urine color, fluid intake, sweat loss and body weight changes that occur during exercise.


Minimize Dehydration

Dehydration can occur in virtually every physical activity scenario. It doesn't have to be hot. You don't have to have visible perspiration. You can become dehydrated in the water, at a pool or lake, or skiing on a winter day.
Dehydration results when athletes fail to adequately replace fluid lost through sweating. Since dehydration that exceeds two percent body weight loss harms exercise performance, athletes are advised to begin exercise well hydrated, minimize dehydration during exercise and replace fluid losses after exercise.
Be alert for conditions that increase your fluid loss through sweat:
  • Air Temperature: The higher the temperature, the greater your sweat losses.
  • Intensity: The harder you work out, the more you perspire.
  • Body Size and Gender: Larger people sweat more. Men generally sweat more than women.
  • Duration: The longer the workout, the more fluid loss.
  • Fitness. Well-trained athletes perspire more than less fit people. Why? Athletes cool their bodies through sweat more efficiently than most people because their bodies are used to the extra stress. Thus, fluid needs are higher for highly trained athletes than for less fit individuals.
Remember swimmers sweat, too. Like any athletic activity, when you swim, your body temperature rises and your body sweats to keep from overheating. You may not notice because you are in the water, but you can become dehydrated. Swimmers, from competitive athletes to families splashing around, need to drink fluids before, during and after swimming, even if you don't feel thirsty.


Warning Signs

Know the signs of dehydration. Early signs are:
  • Thirst
  • Flushed skin
  • Premature fatigue
  • Increased body temperature
  • Faster breathing and pulse rate
  • Increased perception of effort
  • Decreased exercise capacity.
Later signs include:
  • Dizziness
  • Increased weakness
  • Labored breathing with exercise.