Friday, January 10, 2014

My rode to Marathon Maniac Status.....................

In approximately 8 weeks, I will claim my Marathon Maniac status.  I will also be a double agent.  Half Fanatic and Marathon Maniac.  How did this all come about, well I was challenged to do a full this year. My goal was to only do NY Marathon, BUT when I went to the Route 66 race and met all of the HF/MM plus the people I was with, they talked me into do it.  I agreed to do the 2 marathons within 16 days that way I can get it over.  My initial plan was to do Little Rock Marathon and then Seabrook Marathon in Houston 2 weeks later.  Well after looking at my race schedule, I ended up changing my Cowtown HALF marathon to the FULL.  SO now I have 2 marathons within 7 days and I am going to pay for it.  

Strategy:  Cowtown gives 7.5 hours and Little Rock gives 8 hours.  What does this mean for me?  Well I have plenty of time to run/walk this race at a good pace so I won't get tired.  If I don't go for time, I will get far.  If I go for time, then I may rush it and then end up not finishing.  I mean, the ultimate goal is to become a MM #double agent!!!

I have 19 miles to run tomorrow, but have to split it because I am doing a 15k in the morning.  I plan to do 10 miles right after that race if possible.  If not, then I will have to do it on Sunday.  Rather do it in 1 day to make sure I can get through the mileage without a huge gap.  Whew.....I am tired just thinking and typing about this, BUT it's done.  All races are paid for.  Oh and did I forget to mention that I am doing a 10k the day before Cowtown (as part of the challenge) AND a 5k the day before Little Rock.  Stay tuned!


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