Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Took a BREAK (unexpected), but NOW I am back!

Hey everyone!  So I had to take a break because for the past 2-3 weeks I been dealing with my house!  Water pipe was frozen during cold weather and it busted so I have been all over the place trying to get things in order.  Finally this week, WEDNESDAY, we will back back in the home!!!  

So, you may be wondering what I have been up to and if I have been keeping up with my regimen.  WELL the question is yes.  I continued to workout at the hotel gym (not the best, but I got it done), I been doing a 21 day challenge that ended yesterday (lost 7.6lbs!!!), I ran a 15k as part of a 20 mile run 2 weeks ago and this past weekend I did a 14 miler.  I am still in training for my full marathons that are coming up very soon and I am actually feeling pretty good about it. I did slow down on the running during the week because I was having some minor pain in the left thigh adductor muscle, but now it is better and I am ready to get it done.  

This is short because I am at work and had some free time before another patient comes in, but I wanted to put something up to let you all know that I am still here, just was dealing with a lot these past weeks.  

I don't know about y'all, but it's super cold here and makes it hard to run outside when it's freezing cold and the wind is over 20mph.  Oh before I forget, February starts a month of nonstop, so I will be posting left and right.  Be sure to keep up!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Road to back to back Marathons

Today I ran 20 miles.  I actually had to split it up because of a 15k I had today.  I got up early to do 4 miles with the ladies, then I headed to do the 15k and then after that race I went to the park to finish up the remaining mileage.

I was actually scheduled for 19 miles, but pushed it and did 20 to make it even.   Overall I felt great, but my medialis muscle was a little irritated so I did an ice bath and foam rolled.  I will take it easy this week by letting it rest.  I plan to do a couple of short runs then I'll get in a long run Saturday.  Gotta let things rest sometimes. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

My rode to Marathon Maniac Status.....................

In approximately 8 weeks, I will claim my Marathon Maniac status.  I will also be a double agent.  Half Fanatic and Marathon Maniac.  How did this all come about, well I was challenged to do a full this year. My goal was to only do NY Marathon, BUT when I went to the Route 66 race and met all of the HF/MM plus the people I was with, they talked me into do it.  I agreed to do the 2 marathons within 16 days that way I can get it over.  My initial plan was to do Little Rock Marathon and then Seabrook Marathon in Houston 2 weeks later.  Well after looking at my race schedule, I ended up changing my Cowtown HALF marathon to the FULL.  SO now I have 2 marathons within 7 days and I am going to pay for it.  

Strategy:  Cowtown gives 7.5 hours and Little Rock gives 8 hours.  What does this mean for me?  Well I have plenty of time to run/walk this race at a good pace so I won't get tired.  If I don't go for time, I will get far.  If I go for time, then I may rush it and then end up not finishing.  I mean, the ultimate goal is to become a MM #double agent!!!

I have 19 miles to run tomorrow, but have to split it because I am doing a 15k in the morning.  I plan to do 10 miles right after that race if possible.  If not, then I will have to do it on Sunday.  Rather do it in 1 day to make sure I can get through the mileage without a huge gap.  Whew.....I am tired just thinking and typing about this, BUT it's done.  All races are paid for.  Oh and did I forget to mention that I am doing a 10k the day before Cowtown (as part of the challenge) AND a 5k the day before Little Rock.  Stay tuned!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Love/Hate Relationship......


I use to hate that thing, but deep down I found to love it.  Although it hurts like hell, it's a good hurt!  I foam roll after any exercise,  but have to admit.....I HAVE NOT BEEN CONSISTENT.  Starting with todays workout, I definitely will.  Here are some tips & descriptions of how to work some of the muscle groups.....

Key Points for Specific Foam Roller Exercises

1. Roll back and forth across the painful or stiff area for 60 seconds.
2. Spend extra time directly over the knot or trigger point itself.
3. Roll the injured area two to three time a day. For prevention of injuries, two to three times a week is recommended.
4. Avoid rolling over bony areas.
5. Always stretch the area following foam rolling.

Technique 1
Lie sideways with the foam roller under the side of your thigh. Roll between your knee and your hip bone. Spend extra time on the more tender areas you encounter. Use your top leg and foot against the ground to decrease the force if you cannot tolerate the pressure initially. After a few days of rolling, your IT Band will loosen up and you should be able to tolerate full pressure (feet together off the ground)

Technique 2
Start with both of your thighs on the roller at the same time. Roll back and forth from your knees to hips. To increase the pressure, lift one thigh off the roller. This doubles the force.

Technique 3
Lie on your back on the foam roller. Cross your arms across the front of your chest and exhale deeply as you roll the middle of your back against the roller. This is a great stretch for your chest early in the morning before a run.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Committment Day Run Yesterday!

Well as we enter a NEW YEAR, we should all re committ ourselves to whatever it is we want to do.  I made the commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, continue with my running journey, cleaner eating and continue with my exercise regimen.

Remember that setting goals is the start, you must execute them for results.

As I said on Christmas, I challenge you to become more aware of your lifestyle and make those positive changes.  Only YOU can be the one to make it happen. Other people are your TOOLS.  Use them to make it happen.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Training for Little Rock Marathon Update

Late Post, but here you go......

Last Sunday I ran 16 miles by myself!  It was hard after the 13th mile,  but I got it done.  Marathon training is so time consuming, but I find that if I start early (4 to 6am and even sometimes at 230am) that I can get it done and out the way so I can move on with my day.  Weekends are very valuable to me because Monday through Friday I am busy working!

I tried out the Hoka One One shoes, they felt really good BUT the next day my achilles was sore.   I also got a pair of Asics Kayano 20's which I will be testing out for my next run this weekend.   I am 8 weeks out from Little Rock.  I have 4 halfs, 1 10k and 1 5k prior to the marathon.  After the marathon, I have another one 2 weeks later!  So training is very imperative as I can't risk injury. 

Will keep you all updated on my training.  This last run I stuck with the Jeff Galloway method of doing 1:1 with negative splits.  Finiah around 3:30, but time is NOT a factor for these marathons.  I just want to finish and finish strong.