Friday, December 6, 2013

Well when you are stuck in the house and need to workout, here are some things you can do......

So since Dallas decided to get all of this ice, everyone wants to make an excuse for not working out.  Well here are some things you can do while at home!

Power Chores
Crank up the music and throw yourself into the household tasks below to maximize calorie burn and muscle build.
  • Suck it up. Vacuuming is great exercise, especially if you make a conscious effort to concentrate on tightening your muscles as you push and pull the machine. Your carpets — and your biceps — will thank you for it! For an extra challenge, swap arms halfway through.
  • Wipe on, wipe off. Washing your windows makes for a great stretching and toning exercise. Put some muscle into it for high shine and major toning: the combination of up and down movements will work wonders on your arms and shoulders.
  • Get organized. Been putting off that major reorganizing project? Call it exercise and get it done! Take the contents of your pantry, bookshelves, linen closets, etc. out, then reach up and put them back in, in order. You're getting in another great upper-body workout!

  • Periodically, take little breaks to do these moves:

    Stair Dips: Sitting on the bottom step, knees bent and leaning on your heels, put your weight on your hands and lift your body up and down 12 to 25 times to work out your chest, triceps and shoulders.

    Carpet Crunches: Lie on the floor with hands across your chest and your chin tucked; do 10 to 30 crunches, lifting your shoulders slightly off the ground and squeezing in your stomach muscles.

  • Wall Push-Ups: Do 10 to 20 push-ups with your arms leaning against a wall. Or do them the traditional way.

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