As I sit here to prepare for my last half, I reflect on the ones I did this year. I am truly blessed and I am ready to end my year with a bang. I am doing the Dallas Marathon Half and right now the weather is scheduled to be bad the days leading up to the race. I am praying that all of this passes over, but if it doesn't then I will deal with it at that time. So may plan for this race if the weather is in my favor is to hit a PR by running with the 2:30 pace group. Once of the pace leaders is a good running buddy of mine through NBMA and BGR so I am praying she gets me started off great and gets me to the finish line with no issues! I am already preparing my race wear for the day. Similar to Tulsa, I will wear a fully lined jacket and 1 shirt under neath because if I do 3, I will get hot. I do not plan on taking off anything because I run the risk of getting sick with the cold temps hitting my wet body. If my 10k time is off, I will try to push it till the 15k mark and if I am just not there, then I will just finish it and collect my bling at the end. I plan to just enjoy myself and run safe & most of all smart.
Here are some good tips when running in cold weather. Now I do not follow all of these 100%, but I do use most of them in my practice of good running especially on longer runs such as marathons.
- Dress in thin, wicking layers
- Protect your hands and feet
- Pay attention to temperature and wind chill
- Avoid overdressing
- Don't forget to cover your head!
- Watch for frostbite
- Check with your MD
- Run into the wind
- Stay hydrated
- Don't stay in wet clothes!!!
- Wear running sunglasses
- Be visible
- Take it easy when it's frigid
- Remember sunscreen
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