Friday, December 27, 2013

New Years Resolutions...JUST START NOW!

So we are coming up on 2014 and you know how it is every year.....people make New Years Resolutions especially when it comes to weight.  Why wait till the first of the year to do it, challenge yourself and do it now.  There is no need to wait especially if it is on your mind right now.  I accomplished all of my 2013 goal with the exception of one which was out of my control and I have already started on my 2014 goals.  I never understood the reasoning behind New Years Resolutions, but I say lets get rid of that phrase and start TODAY.

Definition of New Years Resolution

  • Decision made at New Year: a decision to do or stop doing something, made or announced at the New Year, which is traditionally considered a time for a fresh start
SO who came up with this and where did it come from.  Well I will let you all look that up on your own, but a fresh start can be anytime of the year. 

Here are my 2014 goals:

  1. Become a Certified Running Coach- Paid for and will take the class in April
  2. Become a Certified Health Coach- working on getting that through ACE
  3. Study for my board examination- plan to take it at the end of the year
  4. Run 3 Marathons
  5. Qualify for Marathon Maniacs
  6. Run at least 2 halfs each quater
  7. Self Train myself in the gym (minimal cardio, weights and other plyometrics)
  8. Join Jeff Galloways group and eventually start one in my area
  9. Join 50 States HALF Marathon Club
  10. Enjoy life, make new friends, smile and continue to inspire and be inspired by folks!

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