Sunday, September 8, 2013

Black Girls Run "Sweat with Your Sole" Conference & 5k/10k Experience Final Day!

Day 3 of conference & last day of trip!
RACE DAY!  I get so excited about race days because #1 I get to run, #2 I get to be around a group of runners & walkers and those who are doing a race for the first time & #3 I get to collect my bling at the end!  So today I was planning on running the 10k as fast as I could,  but I had a last minute change of heart when I started running through the start.  I decided to coach my running buddy though her 10k.  This was not a first for her, but I knew she could run much faster than what she thought so I decided to give her that push.  So when running with her I asked her about her goals, which she didn't set any for this race which was fine because you don't always have to have a goal when running a race.
So I came up with some goals myself for her while running so she could beat her last 10k time.  We started out by running the first time 1.5mi straight around a 12.5min pace, then we switched over to intervals for a little.  I stayed ahead of her the entire time so she could increase her pace and I also let her start out at times so I can watch her gait and arm movements especially when we were hitting a steady incline.  I would average a 11.5 to 12.5 pace so she could keep that 13min pace since we were walking and running.  We took advantage of the declines, but the goal here was to keep the pace  and don't increase, stay consistent which was hard because you want to run faster going downhill. 
She averaged about a 13min mile which was great considering she does 14 and 15min miles at other times plus this route was not a flat course.  Legs were feeling good the entire time till that last .50mi when it was all uphill which irritated her hip a little so we slowed down to have a strong finish.  The goal was to sprint the last .25mi in, but since it was all uphill we sprinted it out right when we hit the top of the hill. 
We brought it right in together and collected our "bling".  I was proud of her because she ran faster, didn't give up and she hit a PR (personal record).  Even thought she kept saying "I'm tired, I'm winded", I knew she could do more because she was talking, heart rate was average and I just knew ahe wqs having mental blocks. It really felt good to do that for her.  I don't want any recognition from it, but sometimes you have to step back and help others.  I'm no perfect runner, but I do know a few things and I didn't have anybody when I first started out.  Overall she was tired,  happy and hungry.
Post race celebration was fun.  We danced,  took pictures,  watched the awards ceremony and just mixed and mingled with other ladies. 
After all of that we headed to the Midnight Diner to eat brunch and by that time I wasn't feeling all that great.  The "runners trotts" hit me and it was all because I wasn't eating very clean the entire weekend.  Not every runnet gets this, but when you do it's no fun at all.  There isn't too much you can do about it, so I just worked through it, ate my food and headed back to our hotel tobget ready to leave the Queen City.  By the time we reached the airport, I was feeling better.  So I'm actually happy that happened to me because it showed me that I need to stay clean especially during marathon training.
Overall,  I had a wonderful time at the conference.  So glad I went to experience it in person.  The conference helped me confirm that I do want to get my run coach certification whenever it opens up!  When I was helping my friend there were other women who followed along and that right there allowed me to see that I had it in me to be one.  I'm not a perfect runner and I don't know anyone who is because we all have our bad, good and great days.  So be looking for me to be a Certified Run Coach very soon!

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