Friday, November 29, 2013


WHEW!!!!  I just completed 2 HALF marathons, YES - 13.1 miles within 5 days and I bumped up another moon level with Half Fanatics!  I am not sure where all of this energy is coming from, but let it keep coming.  I am feeling really good right about now and excited to see what 2014 has in store for me.  BOY 3 years ago, I wouldn't have never thought I would be doing this right now.  Very very proud of myself and all of my accomplishments.  I have 1 more to go this year and I pray that it all goes well.  So folks, stay tuned to see what my 2014 schedule will be looking like!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Well, I finished the race after being up most of the night cooking.  It was a great race, did the galloway method (1:1) intervals with my friend and we finished right at 2:50!  I wasn't even expecting to do that because we were doing so much talking, lol.  Anways, now I can eat up some food, have me some wine, chocolate cake and sleep!  I hope you all have a great holiday. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SO much to do today and to prepare for my next half on Thanksgiving......

This is going to be a short blog, but it's the day before Thanksgiving and I have to cook for Thanksgiving!  I am at work right now just thinking about how I can leave early so I can get home cook, get my things laid out for the race and then rest my feet so I can make it through the race.  I kind of signed up for this race last minute because I figured if I run Thanksgiving morning, I won't feel so guilty about eating all the food I am cooking and the sweets which I love.  Plus, this race is NOT for time, just to finish and have fun.  I am running it with a new found friend, I met her at the Allstate 13.1 back in October so this should be great.  Will report back tomorrow, IF I have time.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Looking to even out the year with 12 half how to fit it in......

Well I looked at all of my races this year and realized that I am going to end the year with an ODD number!  I really need to find another half by December 31st, BUT it's not looking too good considering that the NY/NYE double race is sold on on NYE and that's really the only day I would need.  Well I put in to be on the wait list because I may get lucky and get a spot.  If not, then I won't feel bad about it because I have a lot to be thankful for.  It would be nice to end with 12, but again, I won't harp on it!!!!  Any ideas out there, post below....let me know.  I am considering driving to OK, AR, NM or AZ since I have friends/family in all of those areas.  What to do?????

Monday, November 25, 2013

1 day post race and.........

As I reflect back on yesterday, it really was a great race for me.  I not only felt good on the inside and out, but I helped a new found friend finish AND I got my well deserved Half Fanatic bling!  I am feeling really good and ready to rock the next half which is on Thanksgiving.  I really thank GOD for the ability to be able to run all of these races.  Earlier this year, I would hesitate to do 2 halfs so close, but now I don't even think about it and get it done.  Just sitting here reflecting on how good he has been to me.  To allow me to run all of these races which compared to alot of my friends, isn't a lot, but in my eyes it's way more than I would have ever done in the past.  Feeling inspired and feeling really good about myself! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Williams Route 66 Marathon & Half Fanatic gathering!!!!

What can I say!!!!  This was one of my all time favorite races.  From the HF/MM support, to the positive energy the entire weekend, to meeting new people and making new friends, finally meeting people I talked to through the group page and of course the weather (it was freezing)....I just had a great time and will be going back in 2014 for sure.  Below you will see the big group picture and although I didn't get to meet every single person individually, the ones I did meet were great! 
Half Fanatic & Marathon Maniac Group Pic

It's a ritual for me to always lay out my clothes, double check them, make any corrections and take a picture the night before my races.  This is something that I have always done and it keeps me in line!  I will never change this process!!!!

Race Day Gear

Oh this girl right here!!!! Mz. Doni.....oh how I love her spirit. This was my first time meeting here and sharing a similar experience with her. I wouldn't trade it for the world. She was just awesome and made me feel like we have been friends forever! I tell you, GOD sure has placed some wonderful people in my life through this running thing and I truly am grateful for that. She is my twin, especially when it comes to taking pictures and just acting a fool! It's all about having fun!

More race day pics.............................ENJOY!!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Half #9 is about to go down......

Well tomorrow I will run the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, OK and it's gonna be a cold one!  It's going to be colder than the KC Marathon,  but I am well prepared this time.  So this is what I'm wearing this time around...

-Nike Long Sleeve Blk thumb hole shirt, dri fit for sure

-Nike long fitted pants, keeps you warm

-UA tights under the Nike pants

-Half Fanatic Diva Shirt,  dri fit

-UA insulated long sleeve jacket with insulated hood.

-Nike insulated gloves

-Hand warmers!

-UA wick black crew socks

-dri wick and warm insulated socks

-Saucony A5s!!

-Insulated shoe/toe covers

-Head band for ears

-Race Belt with all my goodies



-Earphones and of course my phone!

Ok.....I am more than ready....I will need the layers because it's suppose to be in the upper 20s.  Lets get it and get that medal.  Will report back.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Interval Training....easy beginners work.....TRY IT OUT!!!!

So you may frequently hear runners talking about doing intervals.  Intervals, in my personal opinion and experience help you to increase your pace AND gives you that break you need especially when doing longer runs.  I LIVE Jeff Galloway methods, but I find that when I do 1:1, my pace is usually right at a 12min mile which is great.  Now if you look at his plan, it states a 1:1 is a 13min mile, but that is not set in stone when you really read his thoughts.  Below, I posted a beginners interval training that I did on the treadmill when I first started back running again.  Try it out!


  • 5 minute warm up!

  • 30 seconds sprint/30 seconds recover

  • 1 minute sprint/1 minute recover

  • 2 minutes sprint/2 minutes recover

  • 4 minutes sprint/4 minutes recover

  • 2 minutes sprint/2 minutes recover

  • 1 minute sprint/1 minute recover

  • 30 seconds sprint/30 seconds recover

  • 10-minute cool-down!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Advocare 10 day cleanse...............

Well I am WAY past due reporting this information.  I started the Advocare 10 day cleanse on November 4, 2013 with my mother and completed it on November 13, 2013.  It was a little rough at the beginning because I went from eating not so clean to eating very clean.  Also the fiber drink was so textured and thickened up quick if you did not drink it.  NOW, it said to use 8oz of water, but I had about 20oz which actually made it worse for me to drink because it took longer to get it down!  Other than the fiber drink everything was going great.  I ran a half marathon on day 6 and I kept exercising as normal.  I was discussing my experience with a running buddy of mine who actually sells advocare.  So she basically told me that she had to hold her nose closed in order to get the fiber drink down.  I told her that the drink made me gag.  So, I actually though she was joking, but then I went home to try it that day (day 8) and I was able to get it down with 8oz of water within 15 seconds with no gagging!  WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS EARLIER!!!!  Oh well, you live and you least I finished it. 
SO the big day was here, the 11th day (early morning) before I started the next 14 days, drink or even worked out....I weighed myself.  So here is the magic weight loss number.......
YEA BUDDY!  I did it and I knew I had lost because I felt it in my clothes.  So I am a living testament that the cleanse works and it is worth doing.  I even weight myself 3 days later and it said I was down another 2.4, but since I woke up so late and didn't eat breakfast, I took a pound off because that may have not been accurate.  I WILL NOT get on the scale till Day 28 (THANKSGIVING).  Will report total weight loss and inches that day.  PLUS I have a half marathon that day too!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

I've been doing some research on proper HYDRATION!!!

Don't get behind in the first place. Just as there are many ways and means to take in fluids (water, sports drinks, and water-containing foods all come to mind), there are many different ways to determine adequate hydration. While some of these involve expensive laboratory and medical equipment, there's an easy and cheap way to check approximate hydration status from the comfort of your own bathroom. By simply noting the color and volume of your urine you can gauge whether you need to drink more (or maybe less). Dark-colored urine of a relatively small volume is an indication of dehydration and should signal you to drink more fluids throughout the day or during your run.
Hydrate before heading out. In general, consider following this recommendation adapted from The American College of Sports Medicine's Position Stands. Exercise and Fluid Replacement: Drink approximately 1 oz per every 10 lb of body weight 4 hours before running, and if profuse sweating is expected, drink ~0.6 oz per every 10 lb of body weight 2 hours before a run. Give yourself time to use the bathroom before you head out.
Recognize your losses. Electrolytes are lost both in sweat and in urine. Some athletes lose a lot of 'lytes while others don't, and there's wide range of the amount lost. As you can see in the table below, sodium and chloride are lost in larger amounts than potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well. The values listed represent the amount of electrolytes contained in a liter of sweat. Keep in mind that individual athletes lose varying amounts of sweat, so use the table below as a ballpark reference.
Mineral Concentration in Sweat (mg/L of sweat)
Sodium 460-1840
Chloride 710-2840
Potassium 160-390
Magnesium 0-36
Calcium 0-120

Table above adapted from Sports Nutrition: A Practice Manual for Professionals, 5th Edition.
If you replace sweat losses during the run, research shows that you’ll better optimize cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, and performance responses. Use your sweat test results to determine how much fluid you need each hour. If you’re going for a leisurely run or a run that lasts less than an hour, you can stay hydrated with water every few miles. If you’re a salty sweater, cramp-prone, or going longer than an hour, you might want try adding some electrolytes to your water. There are a few options out on the market, and a select few are listed in the table below. If you’re going for a long and taxing run, you might want to opt for a carbohydrate-containing sports drink rather than water and electrolytes alone. We’ll cover sports drink options next week, so stay tuned.
  • Gatorlytes- 780mg of Sodium, 400mg of Potassium; Comes in a pouch to add to water or Gatorade
  • Pedialyte- 244mg of Sodium, 294mg of Chloride, 183mg of Potassium; comes in ready-to-use 1L bottle, 6.8oz carton, powder packs to add to water, and freezer pops
  • Nuun- 360mg of Sodium, 13mg of Calcium, 25mg of Magnesium, and 100mg of Potassium; comes in multiple flavored tablets to add to water
  • Hammer Nutrition Endurolyte- 40mg of Sodium, 60mg of Chloride, 50mg of Calcium, 25mg of Magnesium, 25mg of Potassium, Vitamin B6, Manganese, and L-Tyrosine; Comes in a capsule of power to chase with or add to water
  • Salt Stick- 215mg of Sodium, 22mg of Magnesium, 11mg of Potassium, and 63mg of Vitamin D; Comes in a capsule to chase with or add to water
  • Mio Fit- 75mg of Sodium, 35mg of Potassium, and Vitamins B3, B6, and B12; A concentrated liquid to add to 8oz of water

Sunday, November 10, 2013

McKinney Mini - 8th Half this year!

Worst race ever, not because I wasn't feeling well, but this race was horrible.  Very poor support on course, race started late (ugh, just never a good thing), refreshments as promise was not done, as you got further onto the course the signs were not very clear.....should I even continue!

So, basically I got what I paid for.  There was a Groupon out for this race for $35, 4 of my running buddies thought this would be a good race for us to do and I was onboard because I wanted to move up ib my half fanatic status.  If only we knew how this race would have turned out.  Good thing is, we all finished and got our bling.  As you see, there is no picture of the medal because it's just NOT right!  

Now, back to me not feeling good.  It was my TOM and I was feeling very weak with no energy after the 6th mile.  From that point, I decided to just walk it on out.  I surprising kept a 13.4l5 to 14min pace so I was doing pretty good.  I ran into a couple, the husband was doing his first and last half so I went ahead and finished the race with them.  We came in right around 3 hours 15min.  Not my best and not my worse either, but I finished and thats what was important.

So where do I go from half is in 2 weeks, so I will work on proper hydration techniques and keeping energy.  Oh, my foot feels good, so all is good here!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Pre-Race is here already AND I am not really feeling great......

Well tomorrow I will be running yet another race.  Usually I am pretty excited to be running, BUT Aunt Flo is here and she is aggravating me.  I usually need to workout during this time of month because it makes me feel better, but these last 2 months it has been rough.  SO, I am going to do what I can tomorrow, I am not trying to win the race, just finish and bring home the BLING! 

I am just not in the mood to do too much at all.  I don't know what I am going to eat tonight, what I am going to wear and funny thing is I had to ask my friend what time the race started!  I guess I need to get on top of all of that asap.  So with that being said, this is a short blog today because I am tired, not feeling up to writing (honestly) and need to get my mind in race mode.

OH, I do have something to report, BUT will wait to post that until a later date.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

AFTER a MUCH NEEDED break..........

I'm back after 5 days of not blogging and trying to stay off of social medial so I could focus on some things that had to be done by the end of this year.  It's always good to give you mind and body a break.  Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with things going on in our lives that we fail to just sit back and relax.  Relaxing gives you time to reflect on things going on in your life.  Not only was I able to rest my mind, but I almost finished my 2014 race schedule, decided on the top 3 full marathons I would like to do next year for my 30th AND even paid for some races next year. 
So what is next for me......
Well I have a race in McKinney this weekend and excited to do that one:
Then I decided to run a half on Thanksgiving Day with a new found friend:
After this race, I have 1 more for the year and I am hoping to finish out the year with a PR:

Friday, November 1, 2013

So I have been asked several times, WHAT IS PERONAEL TENDONITIS??? Well here you go......

Peroneal Tendonitis
The peroneal tendons run on the outside of the ankle just behind the bone called the fibula. Tendons connect muscle to bone and allow them to exert their force across the joints that separate bones. Ligaments, on the other hand, connect bone to bone. Tendinitis is perhaps not the most appropriate term. This word implies that there is inflammation in the tendon. The reality is that there is tendinosis, which means that there is enlargement and thickening with swelling of the tendon. This usually occurs in the setting of overuse, meaning a patient or athlete doing a repetitive activity which irritates inflames the tendon over long periods of time.​
There are two peroneal tendons that run along the back of the fibula (Figures 1 and 2). The first is called the peroneus brevis.  The term "brevis" implies short.  It is called this because it has a shorter
muscle and starts lower in the leg.  It then runs down around the back of the bone called the fibula on the outside of the leg and inserts (i.e. connects) to the fifth metatarsal.  This is in the side of the foot.  The peroneus longus takes its name because it has a longer course. It starts higher on the leg and runs all the way underneath the foot to insert or connect on the first metatarsal on the other side. Both tendons, however, share the major job of everting or turning the ankle to the outside. The tendons are held in a groove behind the back of the fibula and have a roof made of ligamentous-type tissue over the top of them called a “retinaculum.”

People having peroneal tendinosis typically have either tried a new exercise or have markedly increased their activities. Characteristic activities include marathon running or others which require repetitive use of the ankle. Patients will usually present with pain right around the back of the ankle. There is usually no history of a specific injury.


The diagnosis of peroneal tendinosis can be made in large part by history (i.e. the story a patient tells).  As noted above, patients will have an overuse activity, rapid increase in recent activity, or other training errors and will have pain in the back and outside of the ankle.  There is pain on exam to palpation right on the peroneal tendons.  t is important to distinguish this from pain over the fibula which might indicate a different problem (i.e. stress reaction of the bone). Pain on the fibula occurs directly over the bone which is easily palpated.  Pain in the peroneals occurs slightly further behind. There is also pain with inversion or carrying the ankle to the outside. Patients may also have weakness in trying to bring the ankle to the outside (i.e. in eversion). It is important to look for the varus posturing of the heel which, as noted above, means that the heel is turned inwards. This can predispose a patient to the problem. The workup can also include using radiology. X-rays will typically be normal. Ultrasound is a very effective and relatively inexpensive way to assess the tendons and can show an abnormal appearance or tear which sometimes occurs.  An MRI is also equally important and can also show a tear.

The vast majority of peroneal tendinosis will heal without surgery.  This is because it is an overuse injury and can heal with rest.  If there is significant pain, a CAM Walker boot for several weeks is a good idea. If there really is no tenderness with walking, an ankle brace might be the next best step.  Patients should very much limit how much they are walking or on their feet until the pain abates. This usually takes several weeks.  Resumption of training can then occur, but must occur very slowly and be based on pain.  For those patients who have hindfoot varus, as noted above, an orthotic that tilts the ankle to the opposite side may well help to offload the tendons.  It is important to talk to your doctor about changing your training.  This includes using new shoes for running or also cross-training, which means alternating activities each day.  Physical therapy is also very important.  This, as with ankle sprains, can be done to strengthen the tendons.

SO WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID, this is what happened to me during my last race.  I have now rested my foot for almost 7 days by not running or jumping on it.  I have also excluded any plyometric type exercises.  I take Mobic (strong anti-inflammatory) to keep help the tendon and I ice occasionally.  I have also replaced my shoes because they were DONE!