Thursday, October 31, 2013
Advocare 24 day Challenge!
I personally love the Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shakes, Pink Lemonade & Fruit Punch Sparks are my favorite, the Catalyst is awesome and I also use some the rehydrate products especially when I am running a long distance such as a half marathon.
So I am sure you want to know when we are starting, we start the program on the 24 days before Thanksgiving, so that means TUESDAY is the BIG day. I will do measurements on the first day and then do them again at the end. I actually have 2 marathons while doing this process, so we will see how I do with it as well. Now who is excited...............ME! Watch for my starting and ending!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Race BLING so far this year......
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Post Race Madness!...following day
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Allstate 13.1....7th half this year!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Allstate 13.1 race is TOMORROW!!!!

So are you cramping up during your races???? Check this out......
How to Stop Runners' Cramps
What Causes Cramps While Running?
- Side cramp or ''stitch": This cramp strikes you in the side, as the name implies, or even in the lower abdominal area. It's mainly the result of shallow breathing, not breathing deeply from the lower lung, says Jeff Galloway, a 1972 Olympian. He's a veteran runner who has trained more than 200,000 runners and walkers and runs a marathon-training program. ''The side pain is a little alarm" alerting you about your breathing, Galloway says. An imbalance of blood electrolytes (such as calcium, potassium, and sodium) in your body may also contribute, says Pete McCall, an exercise physiologist and spokesman for the American Council on Exercise.
- Stomach cramps: Again, incorrect breathing can play a role, Galloway says. But so can what you've eaten or had to drink before the workout. "If you have put too much fluid or food in your stomach, you can't get a large breath," Galloway says. If your levels of sodium, potassium, and calcium are off-kilter, it could contribute to stomach cramps, too, McCall says.
- Muscle cramps: When your leg muscles cramp up on you, dehydration is often to blame, McCall says.
How to Prevent Cramps While Running
How to Treat Cramps While Running
Monday, October 21, 2013
Race Day! KCMarathon...... #6 of the year!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Packet Pick-Up & The Day BEFORE the for the KC Marathon!!!
- Bondi Band- "Run girl Run"
- Fog and reflective running/sports sunglasses
- Arm band for phone
- Thump Wireless- earphones
- Gloves
- Hand warmers
- GARMIN (that I didn't get to use- see race day comments)
- Can't forget- MY ROAD ID!!!!
- Nike Dry-Fit Shirt- long sleeve Pink
- Nike Fitted Dry-Fit Shirt- long sleeve- went under the pink shirt with thumb holes- Black
- Nike Dry-Fit Capri- fitted
- Black Girls Run Compression Socks- Swiftwick
- Nike Dry-fit sports bra - heavy coverage- black (not pictured)
- Saucony Type A5 running shoes (have carried me through 4 halfs so far)
- Race chip to be tied to shoe
- Black Girls Run shoe bling
- Shoe pom-pom
- Lastly and most importantly, MY RACE BIB
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
3 days till Kansas City Marathon
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Taper, taper, taper.....preparing for back to back halfs!
Today I ran a 5 miler, Gainesville Depot Run. It was a 5k, 5 mile & 10 mile race. Not my best training run because my darn toe got a cramp after mile 2. My plan was to run the entire race my doing negative splits, BUT I started out too fast because the race started downhill.
So the first mile was great, right around 10min, but I slowly started to decline during mile 2 and 3 with the cramp in my toe. Not sure why I cramped up because my shoes are my short distace run shoes and I have at least 80mi on them. I almost said "forget this" and just not finish, BUT I am better than that, lol. So, I did intervals till finish. Per my Garmin I finished right at an hour, but race results said 1 hour 5 min. I will go with my Garmin! I didn't go in with any expectations, just wanted to run and collect my bling! I got my bling and I was actually feeling good after. I ran with my trainer and my BGR sister!
NOW next weekends race is what counts for me.
Next weekend I am running the Kansas city Marathon half for time and praying I PR! The weekend after I am running the Allstate 13.1 Dallas Marathon and I'm excited to this race because I am going to complete a challenge I actually set for myeelf in 2014 early. The challenge is to run 2 halfs back to back weekends, so I am ready to get it done. After this, I will definitely send off my information for half fanatics.
So, I will be sure to Hydate, Rest up before, Eat right, carb load my way, salt sticks for sure and get a masage after my half.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Walk B4U Run ~Week 2....we are growing!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Safety First...Why you should get a Road ID

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Black Girls Run- Walk B4U Run Program

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The Importance of staying properly hydrated- MUST READ
Hydrate Right

Hydration Goal
The overall goal is to minimize dehydration without over-drinking. Adequate hydration varies among individuals. Practical ways to monitor hydration are:Urine color
The color of the first morning’s urine void after awakening is an overall indicator of hydration status. Straw or lemonade colored urine is a sign of appropriate hydration. Dark colored urine, the color of apple juice, indicates dehydration. Dark urine is often produced soon after consuming vitamin supplements.
Sweat loss
Change in body weight before and after exercise is used to estimate sweat loss. Since an athlete’s sweat loss during exercise is an indicator of hydration status, athletes are advised to follow customized fluid replacement plans that consider thirst, urine color, fluid intake, sweat loss and body weight changes that occur during exercise.
Minimize Dehydration
Dehydration can occur in virtually every physical activity scenario. It doesn't have to be hot. You don't have to have visible perspiration. You can become dehydrated in the water, at a pool or lake, or skiing on a winter day.Dehydration results when athletes fail to adequately replace fluid lost through sweating. Since dehydration that exceeds two percent body weight loss harms exercise performance, athletes are advised to begin exercise well hydrated, minimize dehydration during exercise and replace fluid losses after exercise.
Be alert for conditions that increase your fluid loss through sweat:
- Air Temperature: The higher the temperature, the greater your sweat losses.
- Intensity: The harder you work out, the more you perspire.
- Body Size and Gender: Larger people sweat more. Men generally sweat more than women.
- Duration: The longer the workout, the more fluid loss.
- Fitness. Well-trained athletes perspire more than less fit people. Why? Athletes cool their bodies through sweat more efficiently than most people because their bodies are used to the extra stress. Thus, fluid needs are higher for highly trained athletes than for less fit individuals.
Warning Signs
Know the signs of dehydration. Early signs are:- Thirst
- Flushed skin
- Premature fatigue
- Increased body temperature
- Faster breathing and pulse rate
- Increased perception of effort
- Decreased exercise capacity.
- Dizziness
- Increased weakness
- Labored breathing with exercise.