So I am sticking to my promise and recapping all the races I did not post. Tonight I am going to talk about The Cowtown Marathon & 10k.
This was a challenging weekend because I did a 10k on Saturday & the Marathon on Sunday. Yes, I completed 2 and per my gps it was 33.1 miles! I ran this race last year, but did the 10k & half. For doing the 2 races you get an extra medal and those who know me, knows I run for more bling too. This was called the Cowtown Challenge. 3 medals, 4 shirts and lots of pictures, ha.
Week leading up to the race: Well, I ran Mercedes half marathon the weekend before & was very concerned about hydration issues. I got some great advice from a friend & this has been my ritual before any warm weather race. I took 2 to 3 endurolytes a day (salt tablets), had 1 electrolyte drink a day (nuun) and limited water intake to 90 to 100oz. Plus, I made sure I ate clean & healthy all week.
10k: I walked the entire way, but when I saw the finish line, I made sure to run it in. Alot of people were walking because they were doing the challenge. We got our medal at the end, lots of food and then went to the expo. Now I already had my packets because I registered with a team. Oh before I forget, the route was nice, half was on a nice trail and some was on the streets. Great support on course too & lots of cameras.
Saturday night: I had a long day because I did the 10k, then had another event to go to. My plan was to rest, but I had a prior engagement that I could not miss. When I did get home, I ate some carbs, but I usually carb up 2 to 3 days before a race. I also took a warm salt water bath to get my body relaxed for the race. I had everything laid out and didn't fall asleep till 12am knowing I had to get up at 3:30am!
Race day/ Marathon: So I got up, nervous, got ready and prepared my breakfast to take with me. Adarius dropped me off at my friends and we headed to the race. I was nervous, but it didn't show, lol. Took alot of photos before, took group pictures and talked to so many of my friends. The race started on time, corrals were nice and even and spaced out. I started off with a slow pace and my goal was to increase it half way, but I ended up speeding up too early which tired me out because 1. Humidity was a factor and 2. It was hot and the sun was beaming. The good thing was, I dressed for warmer weather, had plenty of fluids (carried camelbak with electrolyte drink) and I NEVER got dehydrated. I felt great except for getting overheated. I ended up slowing way down, legs were getting tight so I walked, but then walking started hurting so I ran. It was crazy, but I got it done. When I sae that 25 mile marker I was so happy, I cried, but I cried several times during the race. That last 1.2mi wad a beast, but I had Adarius at 25.5 cheering me on and my girl Karen who cheered for me all the way through the finish. I was so happy till they told me they ran out of medals and instantly I was pissed off. They gave us this real size laminate card with the medal on it, but it was not the same and that told me they knew they did not have enough medals. They could of at least had a medal for people to take a finishers picture with. Luckily there was a lady there with her medal who let me take a couple photos with it. I thanked her 100x.
Post Race: I changed clothes and instantly got tight. Could barely walk, but it was good to keep moving. We ate Unos because I was craving deep dish pizza and then went home to fall asleep. I was tight for 2 days, but then felt fine and was back in the gym. I did get my medal about 9 days later, but I was not a happy camper.
Overall, Cowtown is a race I would continue to repeat. Was not happy with the medal situation, but I let it go. Great crowd support, staff and pre and post race was nice. If I go back next year, it will be thw ultra, 31 miles. So wait and see what I decide to do. There are several other races all of the same day next year, so I have a decision to make!
Check out the picture s and stay tuned for tomorrow's post. I might not talk about the next race as there is something I did betwen the next one I would love to share.