Saturday, February 8, 2014

Today did not go as planned................

I was suppose to get in 22 miles tomorrow, but I am on my way back from New Orleans because I had a retreat to go to.  We left later than what we planned, so here it is 10:50 and I probably won't walk in my door till 130 am.  I will be sleeping in and attempting to do this run later in the day OR I will do Monday/Tuesday morning because I have to get it DONE!
I don't know about y'all, but marathon training is a lot of work.  You have to make sure you stick as close as you can to your schedule because running 26.2 IS NOT easy.  I am ready though, I am committed, but ready to get these 2 marathons over.  It's a struggle to get up extra early to get the mileage in.  The weather here is so up and down, you never know when it is best to get your run in.  The crazy thing is, Monday we are suppose to get an ICE storm which is NOT good at all because push come to shove, I will be on the treadmill for at least 4 hours which is going to kill me.  I will see how I feel tomorrow, but will report back for sure ;)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Rock N' Roll NOLA - Nawlins- New Orleans 1/2 Marathon

So, I broke my promise to you all, I slacked off on blogging again, but sometimes you have a writers block! As I sit here on my way back to New Orleans again, I figured I could do some blogging on my race last weekend and all of the fun that I had.  SO as you see from the title I went to New Orleans last weekend to run the Rock N' Roll race.  It was a half marathon, but I had many friends who completed the full and for some it was their first! 

This was another awesome race because I got to see my running family from all over the US, I got some real cajun food, daquiries, king cake cheesecake, BLING and just a break from all the craziness I deal with at home!

No PR for me, but I did finish and was feeling pretty good when it was over.  I honestly thought for a few seconds that I could of ran the full, HA!  Funny huh, but I guess I need to start getting my mind right for these back to back full marathons.  I am chasing Maniac status!!!!!  So sit back, enjoy all of the photos and be prepared for daily blogs from here on out.  I will make sure I stay on top of my blogging because I do have a lot to talk about.  I have a 22 mile run to complete by Tuesday and oh I will have lots to talk about because I am so not looking forward to it.  This will be my last run before my CowRock adventure (Cowtown full and Little Rock full).  It's all going to pay off at the end, I just know it!  

Before you judge me, some of my photos will be proofs, but don't worry, I will be purchasing those photos as always (just waiting on a discount, I mean can you blame me).  I swear you need a job just for race photos.  ENJOY!!!